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CISI President’s Award for Ravenscroft assistant portfolio manager

Jake Robin was presented with the President’s Award for Outstanding Exam Success in Private Client Investment Advice and Management at the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment annual dinner.

Mr Robin, who is an assistant portfolio manager at Ravenscroft, was presented with the prestigious award, which recognises CISI members who achieve the highest marks on their exams within their region, by president of the CISI Guernsey branch Daniel Keltie.

‘Jake's exceptional performance on the Private Client Investment Advice & Management exam placed him among the top scorers regionally making him a deserving recipient of this distinguished honour,’ said a spokesman for CISI.

Mr Robin joined Ravenscroft in 2019 as part of the Ravenscroft Academy, having completed the International Baccalaureate.

During his time with the Academy, he worked in the data management and new business teams and then spent two years with precious metals team before moving to the discretionary investment management team. He is currently studying towards his CISI Level 7 Chartered Wealth Manager qualification.

‘It is a real honour to receive this award and to have all the hard work recognised by CISI, which is so highly regarded within the industry,’ said Mr Robin.

‘Ravenscroft has been a brilliant place to gain practical experience while also studying for formal qualifications. The last five years have given me a real understanding of all aspects of the business, and I use that knowledge every day in my discretionary investment management role. My colleagues have been really supportive, and I am now looking forward to becoming a Chartered Wealth Manager and advising clients on their investments.’