Investment Funds

Balanced USD Fund

The Balanced Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the medium term through a balanced portfolio of bonds and equities.

Aligned with long term themes, the fund is suitable for investors with a moderate tolerance for capital volatility and a medium term time frame (three years or longer). The fund has a flexible mandate which allows up to 60% of the portfolio to be exposed to equities and at least 30% of the portfolio to be exposed to fixed income and/or cash investments. We are active managers and not constrained by stock market indices or benchmarks.


Fund Details

Latest NAV
"O Class" - "Ordinary Class" is designed for private clients and is the class with the lowest fee.
"ACC = Accumulation" - dividends are automatically reinvested into the fund
O Acc - $97.26
Annual Management Fee
"O Class" - "Ordinary Class" is designed for private clients and is the class with the lowest fee.
"ACC = Accumulation" - dividends are automatically reinvested into the fund
O Acc Class - 0.75%
  • Performance Chart
  • Performance Analysis
    1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Inception (3 May 2021) Annual Compound Growth Rate
    8.2% -3.1% 16.3% 41.8% 4.5%

    All figures are based on the Fund’s O Accumulation class and are inclusive of income distributions and fees. Performance prior to this is model data net of 0.75% per annum.

  • Asset Weightings
    • Equities
      • 21 Global Equity
      • 23 Thematic Equity
      • 10 Emerging Market Equity
    • Bonds & Cash
      • 15 Corporate Bonds
      • 15 High Income Bonds
      • 9 Cash & Equivalents
    • Specialist
      • 7 Specialist
  • Portfolio Breakdown
    Portfolio Breakdown
    Guinness Global Equity 8%
    Lazard Global Equity 7.7%
    iShares $ Ultrashort Bond 6.1%
    Muzinich Emerging Markets 5.1%
    Royal London Short Duration High Yield 5.1%
    Sanlam Artificial Intelligence 5.1%
    Schroder Strategic Credit 5.1%
    Titan Hybrid Capital Bond 5.1%
    Jupiter Dynamic Bond 5%
    Rathbone SICAV Ethical Bond 5%
    GuardCap Global Equity 4.9%
    KBI Global Sustainable Infrastructure 4.1%
    Polar Capital Global Insurance 4.1%
    Fermat Cat Bond 4%
    Polar Capital Biotechnology 4%
    Prusik Asian Equity Income 3.8%
    BlueBox Global Technology 3.1%
    Ruffer Total Return 3.1%
    Cash 2.9%
    Polar Capital Asian Stars 2.9%
    RobecoSam Smart Material 2.9%

Our Investment Process

We invest into global trends and themes that we believe will benefit from these long-term changes. These are not passing trends or fads, but ongoing phenomena supported by independent evidence.

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