
Cash Management

We treat cash as an asset class in its own right, just like equities, bonds, property or bullion.

Cash can be part of an overall investment strategy or the whole investment strategy, depending on your objectives and risk preferences.

We manage cash portfolios denominated in sterling and US dollars.

We believe a well-diversified cash portfolio consisting of high quality banking names can deliver the combination of security and liquidity that you, as our clients, need.

What are the benefits of using a cash management service?

  • Diversification and risk control – ensuring your cash exposure is spread over a number of institutions and therefore spreading your counterparty risk
  • Easy administration – quick and easy account opening
  • Consistent and proven track record in cash management
  • Access to institutional cash rates and bespoke portfolio services
  • Dedicated cash management team based in the Channel Islands
  • Portfolios we manage may be used as collateral under a Security Interest Agreement (SIA)

We offer two services, depending on the location of your assets:

  • Unrestricted Source Income

    We provide a well-diversified portfolio of high quality banking names, using certificates of deposit to deliver security and liquidity to fit your specific need. The majority of banks we use for this service are UK domiciled or are UK branches of international banks.

    For clients with a minimum investment portfolio size of £5 million.

    Client benefits:

    • Diversification and risk control – ensuring your cash exposure is spread over a number of institutions and therefore spreading your counterparty risk
    • Providing dedicated resources to you or your team
    • Easy administration - quick and easy account opening
    • Consistent and proven track record in cash management

    Our clients range from investment funds, insurance companies and government bodies to charities, trusts and private individuals.

  • Non-UK Source Income

    We offer cash portfolio consisting of a range of banking instruments which include; offshore bank call accounts, notice accounts and fixed term deposits to provide liquidity, security and diversification

    For clients with a minimum cash balance of £1 million.

    Client benefits:

    • Risk control: ensuring your cash exposure is spread over a number of institutions
    • Access to institutional cash rates and bespoke portfolio service
    • Dedicated cash management team based in the Channel Islands
    • Quick and easy account opening
    • Consistent and proven track record in managing liquidity

    Our clients include offshore private investors and trust companies.


Our Corporate Cash Account

The Ravenscroft Corporate Cash Account offers businesses the opportunity to earn interest on their current account cash balances while retaining the flexibility to withdraw funds at any time. For corporate entities with a £5 million minimum cash balance. 

  • 5% net return 
  • Interest applied daily
  • Instant access


  • Why use a cash management service instead of a bank?

    As a specialist cash manager we can add value to your cash through the services we offer. We do the work for you; finding the best rates of return (often above standard bank rates), placing, settling and reporting your cash transactions and their performance. As a client you require security for your cash, a strong, consistent level of performance and accessibility when you need it.

  • What is the cash management service?

    Acting purely as an agent, we invest our clients’ cash with well-rated counterparties to ensure security and liquidity. Our objective is to maximise the return on money in our care.

  • Who is the cash management service for?

    Ravenscroft Cash Management manages assets for a range of clients including captive insurance companies, funds, local authorities, trusts
    and individuals.

Our dedicated Cash Management Team is available to assist with all of your liquidity needs and you can speak directly to the manager responsible for managing your cash.