About Us

Investor Relations

At Ravenscroft we place a great deal of importance on our communications with our shareholders, and we are committed to building a trustful relationship with our investors by acting in a transparent and accountable manner at all times.

In addition, we recognise that we have a duty to our other stakeholders - our employees, customers, suppliers, regulators, and the wider communities in which we operate.

By identifying the key resources, relationships and factors on which we depend, we are better able to understand how our actions affect our stakeholders and report on what we are doing in order to meet their expectations.

Share Capital

There are currently 14,827,234 ordinary no par value shares in issue.

Free Float

The Free Float of the Company comprises shares which are readily available for public trading, and excludes those held by the Directors of the Company or in Treasury.


As at 31st May 2023, the free float of the Company was 5,971,919 shares (40.3% of the issued share capital).



Mem & Arts

Annual Reports

Interim Reports



Ravenscroft is a Channel Islands-based investment services group

From the foundation in 2005, it has been our aim to build a market-leading investment services firm, through exceptional customer service, integrity, transparency and accountability.